

The Al-Mizan student population is representative of the diversity within the Muslim community in the Bedford area.  This is very positive as it gives our students an early appreciation of who Muslims are and the connections we share irrespective of our various heritages.  We also believe this to be an early lesson to develop positive and lasting friendships with a wider group of people.

In fact we desire to reflect many of the principles established from The Final Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).  We steadfastly adhere to equal opportunity for all and promote students to help and encourage each other.  We aim to provide a school environment that is inclusive and allows all to flourish.


Young Student Classes

Classes one to five are for students from age five to 12 years old.

Older Student Class

Here higher level Arabic classes will further develop reading and understanding skills learnt in earlier years.  In higher level Islamic classes we aim to develop their knowledge of Islamic principles and ethics. 

Each term we will also deliver specific Islamic lessons aimed at inspiring students to seek excellence in all that they do, especially relating to current affairs.


We are introducing targets for each term by combining school based learning and homework learning in line with our educational program.  The results are shared with parents to keep them updated in order to encourage additional support from parents so students can achieve positive and successful progress during their time at Al-Mizan.

Open Communication

We advocate the importance of strong and honest partnership between the school, students and parents if our students are to attain their full potential.  The Head teacher and other teachers are usually available for a short chat at home times.  Additionally, further or longer meetings can be arranged with teachers or management team at a suitable time.

We are developing additional tools to improve communication with parents such as the following:

  • Online newsletters
  • Online student reports

Recognition of Student Progress

To promote on-going academic and personal progress we acknowledge, encourage and reward students each term.  Additionally, at the end of the academic year we also recognise one student for special recognition based on their academic and personal development in the year.

At the annual end of school year ceremony, all students receive a certificate of completion to recognise their attainment.  Each student also receives a reward agreed in advance by the trustees.

Tuck Shop

A tuck shop is available on site for students to purchase light snacks and drinks.