about us

Al-Mizan Bedford Islamic School is dedicated to inspiring our next generation with an Islamic practical and philosophical foundation. We are a popular and well established Saturday school providing Islamic knowledge and teaching Quranic Arabic education for children in the Bedford and surrounding areas.


Al-Mizan was founded in 2005 for the benefit of local children that needed motivational Islamic and Quranic Arabic education. Al-Mizan was Bedford’s first dedicated Islamic Saturday School. The school initially started with a very small group of students but today we have over 100 weekly attendees during term time.

Throughout the life of the school we have remained a ‘not-for-profit’ community focused organisation. We are eternally grateful to those who have helped the school establish a stable footing for the future through financial donations and dedication of time. Also, the dedication of our long-term volunteers and teaching staff allow the school to continue so we pray for Allah’s grace and for all those involved with the school. 


Our ethos is to provide motivational lessons based on the Qur’an and Sunnah to help start the next generation on the journey to develop their faith through the love and understanding of Islam. Our philosophy is to teach students essential elements of Islamic principles, practice and etiquette so they become the balanced and ethical Muslims we all aspire to be. Insha’Allah the lessons learnt whilst at Al-Mizan will remain with the students as they grow and develop into mature productive adults. 


The key objectives of the Al-Mizan Saturday School are to:

  • Seeks Allah’s pleasure and learn from the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
  • Provide students with a positive Islamic education which is authentic and balanced
  • Facilitate a conducive environment for learning the Qur’an, Sunnah and Arabic
  • Assist in the positive personal and spiritual growth of students
  • Develop a positive and life-long desire for continuous learning and diligence
  • Motivate students to become useful British Muslims through participation in society
  • Fostering good relations with their peer group 


At Al-Mizan our vision is to provide positive steps for young children to learn in a safe and motivated Islamic environment.  We aim to nurture an appetite to seek out fulfilling answers within Islamic principles.  We want our students to be confident individuals who share in the joys of being part of the local Muslim community and the wider community globally.


The following are our policies observed by the school.

  • DBS checks for all volunteers
  • Child Protection
  • Health & Safety
  • First Aid
  • Fire Evacuation procedures
  • Online Study Policy