

We are fortunate to have amongst us many motivated and multi-skilled parents.  This has permitted Al-Mizan to continue as a 100% volunteer staffed school since its inception in 2005.  Even today the majority of staff are parents of past or present students, which complements our objective of keeping students at the heart of all our activities.

As students move forward lessons become progressively more challenging and we focus on them as young adults and encourage independent learning after group lessons.  Additionally, we hope our friendly learning environment will develop a cohesive network which builds lasting and positive relationships into the future.


We continually strive for open communication to maintain a common vision and develop possible future ideas.  As a team we aim to provide as much assistance to the teaching staff as possible.  We aim to build a continually improving environment and thus employ a range of initiatives such as sharing best teaching methods, shadowing, classroom assistants and lesson plans to encourage consistent and active learning with all our teaching staff.


We encourage those wishing to volunteer to contact us and discuss possible options to work together.

We particularly encourage pervious students to come back and share what they learnt during their time with us and beyond.

Parental Feedback

We are keen for two-way open communication so if parents have any concerns regarding a child’s progress, or any information to aid the school about your child’s learning, we encourage parents to share this with teachers or the headmaster.


Al-Mizan is a registered charity and managed by trustees elected for a maximum of five years each.  The trustees are responsible for school policies and future direction.  The trustees work with the volunteers to manage the operation of the school in accordance with accepted working practices and legal requirements.